Denver Supinger (Local Government)

Legislative Aide, Fairfax County Government
As a Legislative Adie to a local-elected official in Fairfax County, I assist our constituents with their day-to-day needs and hardships which pertain to public safety and transportation. I came to this position after working for a health system and a fundraising department for a state university. Throughout my experiences, I have continually fallen back on education and academic understanding of public administration.
I earned both a B.A. in Political Science and a Masters of Public Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. While attending this institution, I was surrounded by academics who believed that our government and nonprofit agencies could advance to uphold the pillar of social justice. My exposure to world-class faculty has installed the value of community, justice, and service into everything I do. As I expand my horizons and experiences in public administration, I want these values to grow and show in my daily work.
Outside of day-to-day work, I express my passion for public administration and the hope for a better government through political advocacy. Though the field of public administration remains a nonpartisan entity, I believe that we need the support of our elected officials to ensure that our daily government processes are efficient, effective and fully supported.
As I continue to navigate the realm of public administration, I am always open to learning for veterans in the field. I would be honored to connect with fellow ASPA members, please feel free to connect with me via email at or at