Lashae Lambert (State Government)
I am the DEI Policy and Implementation Strategist at the Department of Medical Assistance Services for the Commonwealth of Virginia. My job is to ensure that all aspects of public health, regarding the Medicaid community, is done through an equity lens, and that our internal agency structure and culture reflects equitable practices. From ensuring that information is accessible to everyone (e.g. Are the materials written in the members native language? Is there a non online option for those who do not have internet?), to strategically planning covid-19 vaccination clinics around the commonwealth that members can transport to even if they do not have a personal vehicle. Additionally, I focus on internal equity solutions to assist my agency with implementing equitable practices from within.
Equity is at the core of society’s well being. We understand that not everyone starts at the same place in life, and it is important to assist and elevate those who have been given a rough start, an unfair disadvantage, or have fallen on hard times. In relation to healthcare, giving all Virgininans the opportunity to have their social determinants of health needs met is an act of public service not just for those receiving assistance, but for the commonwealth as a whole. A healthy community is a prosperous community.
Outside of my career in state government I continue my public service in the world of pageantry. I am the current USOA’s Ms. Capitol Hill and will be competing for Ms. District of Columbia this fall. My platform is advocacy for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Sex Trafficking survivors. My focus is to bridge the gap between policy /legislation and a survivors road to recovery. I am focusing on ways in which we can bring awareness to these issues, establish intervention and prevention pathways , and establish legislation that will protect survivors.
I’m happy to meet new people so feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.