Nawras Taffal (Federal Government)

I am a leader with a strong engineering and public administration background, and executive skills that when put to use can make things happen. I have a passion for success and believe strongly in honesty, integrity, hard work, commitment to work and core principles. I’m a strong leader, a talented engineer, and a problem solver with strong interpersonal skills.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from The State University of New York at Buffalo, a Certification in Management & Executive Negotiation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Master of Public Administration at George Mason University.
I am the Founder and CEO of Young Engineers of America (YEA). I also work at the Department of Defense as a Civil Engineering Project Manager, and I bring about 8 years of professional experience in engineering, public administration, and executive management. I am also the current director at the National Capital Chapter of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), and a membership champion at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).