20170330-2017 Annual Meeting with Paul Light

2017 Annual Meeting with Keynote Speaker Paul Light, Ph.D.

Thursday, March 30, 2017 • 5:30-7:30pm

Keynote Address with Q&A
Dr. Light will be talking about what the new administration can do to address the longstanding ills of the bureaucracy as it strives to meet campaign promises.  Dr. Light’s two most recent books, Government by Investigations: President, Congress, and the Search for Answers, 1945-2012 and A Government Ill Executed: The Decline of the Federal Service and How to Reverse It? will backdrop his talk.

Dr. Paul C. Light is NYU Wagner’s Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Service and founding principal investigator of the Global Center for Public Service, Before joining NYU, Dr. Light served as the Douglas Dillon Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, founding director of its Center for Public Service, and vice president and director of the Governmental Studies Program. Dr. Light is the author of 25 books, including works on social entrepreneurship, the nonprofit sector, federal government reform, public service, and the baby boom.  A Government Ill Executed received the American Political Science Association’s Herbert Simon Award for the most important book on public administration in the preceding three-to-five years upon publication.  Dr. Light is also a co-author of a best-selling American government textbook, Government by the People.

Awards Ceremony & Chapter Business Meeting
After Dr. Light’s keynote discussion, we will hold an annual awards ceremony, announcing the winners for:

National Capital Area Chapter Award for Outstanding Service
This award is given to a member of the National Capital Area Chapter of ASPA who demonstrates outstanding service to the chapter.

The Frances Kelsey Award
This award is named for Dr. Frances Kelsey, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration employee who resisted pressure to approve Thalidomide, and thus prevented countless birth defects. This award will be given to a person who has demonstrated courage in promoting the public interest while employed in government, contractors or grantees.

Following the awards, we shall have a short business meeting. This will include a member vote to ratify changes to the ASPA NCAC By-Laws.  The By-Laws with proposed changes are available for review here.  Please send any feedback to the NCAC board at aspa.ncac@gmail.com.

20170222 – G. Evans Witt – Election Polling

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Did the Polls Fail in 2016? And What That Means for 2017 ... with guest speaker G. Evans Witt.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 • 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Join ASPA NCAC in welcoming our next guest speaker to talk about the impact and relations of public opinion, polling, and the intersection with public administration.

Witt will be talking about the polls in 2016, their successes and failures and what that means for the use of data in this increasingly fact-free environment.

G. Evans Witt is CEO and principal of Princeton Survey Research Associates International, an independent research firm that specializes in studies of opinion, policy and the news in the United States and around the world.

In more than 18 years at PSRAI, he has led the company in the design and execution of ground-breaking research designs on topics ranging from the impact of the internet to sensitive surveys of the public reaction to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He has played a major role as PSRAI has led the way in designing and executing surveys on cell phones. He is a long-time consultant to NBC News and sits on the NBC decision desk each election night. He is the president of the National Council on Public Polls.

Witt has played a key role in directing large scale surveys that have laid down the benchmarks for action nationally and at the community level. He directed the Knight Foundation Community Indicators’ surveys, which probed the needs and concerns of 26 communities in multiple survey and with detailed reports for each community. He directed the surveys for the Pew Internet and American Life Project for the last 15 years that are the gold standard for understanding the use of internet in American. For Hofstra University, he designed and executed survey projects that produced the National Suburban Poll series of reports. (bio continued below)

Starting in 1998, he worked with Americans Discuss Social Security, a group dedicated to fixing the Social Security, for a series of polls that served to direct their public efforts and to provide information for the policy makers. He worked with Public Agenda on a variety of their public engagement efforts. And he has worked major public universities in the marketing and message testing surveys.

Witt has specialized in surveys on public policy and politics for more than thirty-five years. In a 22‑year career with The Associated Press, he helped lead the wire service in the use of public opinion polls and social science research methods. He was a co-founder of the AP/NBC News Poll in 1977. He was a national political writer, director of election planning and assistant chief of the AP Washington bureau.

In 1996, Witt directed the creation of two award‑winning political Web sites, ElectionLine and PoliticsNow, for ABC News, The Washington Post and National Journal. He was executive director of Voter News Service from 1997 through 1998.

A Morehead Scholar and graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Witt was a National Endowment for Humanities Fellow at Stanford University in 1981‑82.

Witt is the co-author, along with Sheldon Gawiser, of A Journalist’s Guide to Public Opinion Polls from Praeger Press, and of Twenty Questions A Journalist Should Ask About Poll Results, from the National Council on Public Polls. He has written numerous articles on public opinion and lectured widely on the use of polls by the news media.


Seeking Opportunities in the Presidential Transition: How to Find Jobs in the Next Administration

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Our chapter is proud to co-sponsor an upcoming event with the Women’s Bar Association of DC for their upcoming December event.

Presented by: Government Attorneys Forum

Catie Hargrove, Senior Operations Manager, Center for Presidential Transition
Laura Pietrantoni, Associate, Center for Presidential Transition

Every four years, presidential elections determine who the leaders of the next administration will be. Join us as experts from the Center for Presidential Transition share ideas about the types of jobs and opportunities available in the new administration! Our panelists will give valuable advice about how to seek and apply for these jobs and opportunities and discuss the Plum Book. Our panel also will discuss diversity issues in the presidential transition.

Don’t delay in registering for this exciting program!

Advance Registration Before / After December 5th:
Members*: $20 / $25
Non-members: $30 / $35
Student Members: $20 / $25

RSVP on the WBA of DC website.
*ASPA members can receive the WBA member rate by calling in and mentioning the co-sponsorship per Cathy Pagano of WBA-DC.
If you have questions about this program or experience any difficulties in registering, please call 202-639-8880.*

Speaker Biographies

Catie Hargrove is a Senior Manager with the Center for Presidential Transition, where she leads the design and implementation of thePartnership’s Senior Executive Service (SES) development activities, including executive coaching and action-learning programs for executives.

Prior to joining the Partnership, Catie was the Director of the Kinship Center Education Institute. Catie earned a Master’s in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Capella University and a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Human Resource Development from James Madison University.

Laura Pietrantoni is an Associate with the Partnership’s Center for Presidential Transition. She works to improve the appointments process so that more of the president-elect’s team is in place and ready to serve on day one.

Laura graduated in 2016 with a B.A. in Political Science from Stanford University, where she concentrated on issues of election, representation, and governance.

20161115 – Ira Goldstein – Fed Management Playbook – booktalk

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The Federal Management Playbook: Leading and Succeeding in the Public Sector, a booktalk with author Ira Goldstein.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 • 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Stories of government management failures often make the headlines, but quietly much gets done as well. What makes the difference? In his latest publication, Ira Goldstein offers wisdom about how to lead and succeed in the federal realm, based on his decades of experience with two major government consulting firms and as a member of the US Federal Government’s Senior Executive Service.*

The Federal Management Playbook coaches the importance of always keeping four key concepts in mind when planning for success: goals, stakeholders, resources, and time frames. The book packages activities around three strategic phases: create your offense, execute effectively, and play a smart defense. Its chapters address how to effectively motivate government employees, pick the right technologies, communicate and negotiate with powerful stakeholders, manage risks, get value from contractors, foster innovation, and more. Additional tips describe how career civil servants and political appointees can get the most from one another, advise consultants on providing value to government, and help everyone better manage ever-present oversight.*

The Federal Management Playbook is a must-read for anyone working in the government realm and for students who aspire to work in public service.*


Ira Goldstein is a founder and former director of Deloitte’s US Federal Practice, providing consulting and advisory services to large federal agencies and departments. He previously held the position in the federal government of the US Assistant Comptroller General and Chief Operating Officer of the US Government Accountability Office.**

**Georgetown University Press

Preparing for the Presidential Transition

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Preparing for the Presidential Transition

Wednesday, June 22, 2016 • 5:30pm - 7:30pm

America is noted for transferring presidential power smoothly over the past 200 years, but leaders and citizens are increasingly concerned that these transitions are periods of great vulnerability for our nation. This session will bring participants current on initiatives underway to improve the presidential transition process this election year, and will provide both historical perspective and up-to-the-minute information on efforts underway to have the right leadership in place and prepared to govern.

This year, there are 73 days between the election and Inauguration Day. That’s not much time to do all the planning for the new Administration to be ready to start governing at 12:01 pm on January 20. And recent major events — from 9/11 to Hurricane Sandy to Ebola — have made government leaders at all levels much more aware of how vulnerable we are during the transition of power. And MUCH more aware that plans have to be made starting now so that those worrisome possibilities are prepared for.

It used to be that candidates did not want to be known to be preparing for transition — to be “measuring the drapes” in the Oval Office was considered to be presumptuous, at the very least.

No longer.

Since the Bush- Obama transition in 2008/2009 and the potential Obama-Romney transition in 2012-2013, transition planning is being taken increasingly seriously and action is being taken — notably by the Center for Presidential Transition at the Partnership for Public Service — to be even more prepared than in the past and to look for ways to improve the transition process.

Legislation recently signed into law by President Obama has authorized transition planning starting 6 months before the election (it used to start the day after the candidates were named at the nominating conventions).

This June 22nd session provides insight into the importance of the Presidential Transition; provide information about some of the major challenges during the Transition (such as identifying and vetting key appointees, and getting them approved timely by the Senate); describe the roles of key groups/agencies in the Transition process, including various federal agencies; and describe the status of current initiatives to make this transition smoother, quicker, safer, and less vulnerable.

Our Expert Panel:

David EaglesModerator: David Eagles
Director of the Center for Presidential Transition at the Partnership for Public Service

Dan BlairDan Blair
President and CEO for the National Academy of Public Administration

Mike SlatteryMike Slattery
Director of Agency Planning and Coordination for the Center for Presidential Transition

John KamenskyJohn Kamensky
John Kamensky, Senior Fellow with the IBM Center for The Business of Government, Associate Partner with IBM’s Global Business Services, Fellow at the National Academy of Public Administration, and former deputy director of Vice President Gore’s National Partnership for Reinventing Government

Event Recap

June 22nd NCAC hosted an expert panel discussing administrative and political preparation for the presidential transition.  The event was well attended and we have fantastic attendee participation with a lively Q&A session.

Thanks again to our amazing panelists: Jon Kamensky, Dan Blair, and Mike Slattery. Unfortunately, David Eagles fell ill and was unable to attend; thanks to Sally Jaggar for moderating.

There were many great takeaways.  A few topic areas included the importance of advance planning, which can make or break administrative success, the complexity of information sharing beyond the administration that involves political networks and non-government partners, and involve strategic foresight.

“Presidential transitions are like a relay. The best are current runners setting a smooth baton hand-off for the next.” — Mike Slattery

If you missed the event or want to experience it again:

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