20181108-2018 PA Connections: Virtual November Meeting and Networking Event
PA Connections: Virtual November Meeting and Networking Event
Thursday, November 8, 2018 • 6:00pm-7:30pm
Come join friends and colleagues who share an interest in mentoring, networking, and professional development at our next PA Connections meeting. The SRP Workgroup will present web-page mockups of the Shared Resources Platform for discussion and feedback.
This is an online event. Details will be emailed to registrants.
Shared Resources Platform
The Shared Resources Platform is an online curated compendium of useful resources for professional development. The goals of Shared Resources are: (1) To create a hub of information utilized by professionals who are exploring their career options or looking for career guidance; and (2) To provide information on a number of careers and sectors, while also connecting professionals for the purposes of forming inter/intra sector relationships.
Networking and Mentoring
PA Connections and NCAC leadership have been working to improve networking opportunities, both in quality and quantity.
Programming events are being designed with networking in mind, for example by holding round-table discussions or allowing for informal discussions with invited speakers following the speaking portion of the event.
PA Connections has launched the Networking Registry (Beta version) to help connect members seeking career and professional advice with members who are interested in sharing their knowledge and experience.
PA Connections is establishing Shared Resources, an online resource to supplement person-to-person knowledge transfer. The value proposition for this resource is that it will be curated and annotated by members of the PA community.
Networking Registry
The Registry contains basic biographical information about members looking to connect. The Beta version is open only to PA Connections members, but it is our intent to open the Registry to all members of the chapter once we are satisfied that we have ironed out the kinks. If you are interested in joining the Beta version, email the PA Connections Team at aspancacmentoring@gmail.com.
PA Connections was formed by ASPA NCAC members interested in leveraging mentorship and networking to become more effective in our jobs and more adept at managing our careers.
Questions? Can’t attend but would like to stay involved? Please contact us at aspancacmentoring@gmail.com
Space is limited. Please RSVP.
Light snacks and refreshments will be served.